Monday, June 12, 2017

Summary of all feelings/emotions.

Summary of all feelings/emotions.

As a human beings we all have emotions. Which one we need most? Which one makes us to happy to accept death? Is there any? We crave for approval. Does it approval really a solution for a stable human mind. What are the emotions that drives us to move forward? What are the emotions that makes us to try really really hard and take all the pain and shame and not caring any kind of judgments of others. When exactly you feel happy? Why do you feel happy? Details of your interaction with others makes you happy? Can you trace your emotions which turn to a negatively while thinking?

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Burnout / quit job / freelancer

Well guys I decide to quit my full time job. The first one reason, I want to quit because I am not enjoying it. Yeah I am not enjoying it. The whole business responsibility without proper planning is not going to work. Well I tried and finally I burned out along with messing everything. It is like to much to me. I was not confident. Yet I tried. Too much of things needed to be trigger for smooth operation. Now I want to move on. Stay far away from this organization.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Random thoughts.

If I buy something I really want to know whether it worth that much or I get a plan that I can make more than that using that. I just don't want to buy anything because everyone is buying, it is social pressure to buy it. If I have to pay taxes I have right to know how well you utilize them. If I have to donate you just because you are poor I have to know what did you do to get well earned. If I have to donate you just because you are creators faithful messenger I have to know your how giving to you is helping the society without bias. If I have to give you money just because I am closer to you I have to know which activity I am sponsoring. Resource is limited. lacking are almost unlimited. accumulation, distribution, utilization all should be optimized and have to have a legit solid motivation to spend on that.

Friday, June 2, 2017

How to take picture of thunder using iPhone?

How to take picture of thunder using iPhone? 

Very difficult the timing is. Here are some my trial. Could not find any information on net about this. Most likely my keywords were not appropriate.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Random thinking about life.

I always think that people should be more free, have more time to leisure or to pass with family. Do not need to be worry about livelihood too much sacrificing everything. Of course livelihood is life and death problem. What I wanted to say that people should have more option to enjoy their life. I guess 100 or 200 years ago people has no option other then inherits job from parents. In Indian subcontinent if you are born in a potters family you have to do pottery for your livelihood. But now you have more option. Science give us that. Salute to those scientist and engineers whose effort to innovation new things specially internet, devices that allow us to connect to human race through internet regardless of country's' border. You can work on net and earn your livelihood wherever you want to live. Before if you want to study something you need to go certain place to access the knowledge of that subject. Now you can search in web and if you spend time and effort on the subject you can be an expert of the subject. Before if you want to express new thoughts and ideas writhing book was the only option. Now if you think you want to spread it to the maximum living human you can do it. They can react, give you feedback and give you stimulation of self actualization. I think this list goes on.
So why not taking the maximum advantage of this modern age for freedom. Specially to be free from the bondage of livelihood. The roads are still unknown to me but I want to explore that.
