Thursday, December 13, 2007

BREW debugger log and example

Interpreting BREW Logs
BREW Debug Messages
#*gBI BREW Initialization
#*gEX BREW Exit
#*gST= Application Start: EVT_APP_START (with class ID
of the application being started)
#*gSU= Application Stop: EVT_APP_SUSPEND
#*gRE= Application Resume: EVT_APP_RESUME
#*gCL= Application Close: EVT_APP_STOP
#*gXX Close all BREW applications
#*g**= BREW Exception
#*g*C=: Error occurred while creating an
instance of the specified class ID
#*p:ECode:, Key: Key Press & Release events

#*gST=16809984 Start of BREW application with class ID of 16809984
#*p:ECode:101, Key:e035 EVT_KEY_PRESS event for AVK_SELECT 
#*p:ECode:100, Key:e035 EVT_KEY event for AVK_SELECT
#*p:ECode:102, Key:e035EVT_KEY_RELEASE event for AVK_SELECT
#*gSU=16809984 Suspend of BREW application with class ID of 16809984
#*gCL=16809984 Stop of BREW application with class ID of 16809984 as a result of not handling suspend
#*g*C=101402c:3 ECLASSNOTSUPPORT error returned when creating instance with class ID of 0x101402c
#*gST=16846582 Start of BREW application with class ID of 16846582
